Online registration is now closed. Please contact Customer Service Desk at 403-253-8600, ext.0 to register.
If you have registered online, you MUST complete the registration form in order to complete your registration. One form per child.
Grab your brush, canvas, and paints and get ready to be the next Picaso. Use your imagination to explore the world of art through painting, sketching, molding, and more.
Early bird pricing valid until April 30: $289.75/Member $337.25/Public
Regular pricing starting May 1: $305/Member $355/Public
Grab your brush, canvas, and paints and get ready to be the next Picaso. Use your imagination to explore the world of art through painting, sketching, molding, and more.
Early bird pricing valid until April 30: $289.75/Member $337.25/Public
Regular pricing starting May 1: $305/Member $355/Public